Thursday 10 September 2009


- Ceramics; made from clay.

Timber – A sustainable natural resource
Soft wood – Coniferous trees, grow quicker, cheaper
Hard wood – Slow growing, deciduous, slow growing, more expensive

Wood is fibrous with fibres running along the length of the trunk.
- 55% cellulose (fibres), 28% lignin (glue)
- Fibre reinforced polymer
Life cycle up until production:
- Harvest
- Conversion, cutting into boards
– Slab sawn or Quarter sawn
- Seasoning
– Reduce moisture content
- Board Preparation
– Sawing to size, planning

Quarter saw timber – cut the wood so all the pieces got shorter annual rings, more waste but more stable.

Slab saw – Simply cut in lines so there is no waste however you get some pieces with big annual rings. Less waste, less stable.

Need to think about natural timber:
- Physical strength; stronger along the grain than across it
- Aesthetic properties; colour, complex or simple grain structure
- Protection; Dry and wet rot, insect attack
- Operating conditions; Where will the timber be used? Outside? Inside a heated house? -
-Sustainability/ Environmental issues; Use sustainable sources
- Size of boards available

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